“To Rule in a Turbulent World” Everyone had done their utmost. Another war is at long last and miraculously over. And after celebrating the desperately awaited victory the hero general comes back. And tells the young emperor that the Tartars are trading now his father and elder brother, who are in their captivity, for the ceasefire. The young emperor is… beyond frustrated. No need to mention that his family had treated him as their pawn who may be sent off to fight and protect the borders, who can do without food and warm clothing, who is the most sutable to be blamed for the loss to the suddenly (?) brazen barbarians. What must be said is that such rule - the described above is very representative of the old emperor’s ways - undermined the empire and resulted in the devastating defeat to the Tartars later, with no forces to fight them at all, no supplies, no time and utterly no defense. The capital had fallen, some residents never mind their rank turned Tartars’ slaves, some had been daring and lucky enough to flee from captivity, some had abandoned the capital and run for the south. Who was responsible for all that? The old emperor. The one who maybe even now speaks what the Tartars make him speak cursing his empire to prolong a day more his miserable life. His younger son and the present emperor is different. He’d rather die than bend his heart and will at enemy’s whim. It is difficult for him to accept such a ruler for a father. It’s so easy to just proceed and attack the Tartars, uncaring as to what the barbarians do to his failed emperor-father and brother who had had to succeed to the old emperor in the midst of the crisis. Now it’s important to retrieve the lost country after all. The emperor can even keep secret that his royal family are still alive. On the other hand, if he agrees and saves the two and brings them back, his rule in which he had put as much blood as he did effort, will most probably come to an end. The ruler who betrayed the country and the brother who counted his younger one nothing but an obstacle, will be back at power. Should he let that happen? If he takes them back but doesn’t cede the throne, there will be talk, his hard won reputation will be affected and things will get difficult. It’s so simple to just let them die in captivity. But he wavers. His closest subjects are loyal but honest. They may not follow him if he betrays their trust. If he does wrong to the empire and people. And, the young emperor himself, he has an exceptional quality - conscience. Which makes everything difficult for him. On this cover is the official who knows best what his sworn brother is going through.

Теги: war history emperor

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